
Communication: Arbor
1/09/2024 12:41 PM
Communication: Arbor


At the start of this academic year (Sept 2024), here at Woodkirk Academy, we moved our school communication system from SIMS to a new system called Arbor.  We are no longer using the MyED app

We have listened very carefully to parents’ feedback about communicating their child’s progress (whether this is positive achievement, behaviour concerns, notifications of sanctions or extra-curricular activities). Our aim is for parents to feel as much a part of their child’s education as possible, and we feel this move will enable us to communicate with parents in the safest and most efficient way.    


The Arbor Parent Portal and App give you access to your child’s attendance, messages, timetable and how you will communicate absence with the attendance team. Through the Parent Portal you can see further details about your child’s attendance and are able to update key information about your child.    

This is a huge transition and as a school, we are ensuring regular communication takes place with parents to ensure everyone is aware of the changes taking place. Please support us with this change by taking time to read the information and to follow the guidance: CLICK HERE TO READ THE ARBOR LEAFLET 


We will let you know when you will be receiving the link to download your child’s data into the app. This will happen over the next week, and we shall be regularly updating the school website with troubleshooting updates to help make this process as easy and as smooth as possible for parents. The link to the Arbor page on our website can be found here: CLICK TO BE DIRECTED TO THE ARBOR SITE

There will be technical support drop-in evenings arranged over this half-term for parents who may need support in connecting to the app to view their child’s information. Please keep an eye out for these in the weekly newsletter.